Monday, May 15, 2017

Another progress report on the DQI Remake 2.20 Closed Beta

After getting some more bug reports about Garinheim, I had to fix a lot of buggy tile collision issues, including being able to walk through certain portions of houses, being able to hop stair well where you shouldn't, and other wall clipping weirdness.

I should have fixed all of this.

I also got a complaint about how it looks how some landings make it look like the character is walking on the landing railing, not the floor, and I tried to fix this the best I could, but the tile art and the fact I have a 2D engine make some of this perspective weirdness unavoidable, and since I had to pay for the assets I used for the Garenheim town art, I'd have to contact the artist or someone with the same DLC pack I paid for who would be willing to modify it, as my own art skills are not that good.

I also made a few minor overworld map adjustments, nothing major, just shaved down the Hauksness and Rimuldar overworld areas a little bit.

I'm still awaiting more bug reports, but while I await them, I did make a minor story change.

Sarah is supposed to be a soldier who was detached from regular duty for personal reasons to help you, but because she's not officially on the clock, she can't use her authority as a soldier to help you until she resumes her regular post. I was informed I didn't make this entirely clear, so I extended her introduction a little and gave the player a choice to tell her you're okay with that and just grateful for the help or that you find it disappointing, both of which will modify the relationship value system I built in to the game a little bit.

I might as a few more of these altered dialogues in other areas as well, but this is the only one I've done out of necessity so far.

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